POCSO Act,2012 1.1
An Act to protect children from offencesofsexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography and provideforestablishment ofSpecial Courts for trial of such offences and for mattersconnectedtherewith or incidental thereto. WHEREAS clause (3)ofarticle 15 of the Constitution, inter alia, empowers the Statetomake special provisions for children;AND WHEREAS, the Government of India has acceded on the11thDecember, 1992 to the Convention on the Rights of theChild, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations,whichhas prescribed a set of standards to be followed by allState parties in securing the best interests of the child;Tags: #ProtectionofChildrenfromSexualOffencesAct#POCSO#childViews #sexulharassment #posco act, 2012 #child safety#childcare #Protection of Children #Sexual Offences
Hindu Marriage Act,1955 1.1
The main purpose of the act was to amendandcodify the law relating to marriage among Hindus andothers.Besides amending and codifying Sastrik Law, itintroducedseparation and divorce, which did not exist in SastrikLaw. Thisenactment brought uniformity of law for all sections ofHindus. InIndia there are religion-specific civil codes thatseparatelygovern adherents of certain other religions.According to Hinduism, marriage is a sacred relationship. InsomeHindu systems of marriage, there is no role for the stateasmarriage remained a private affair within the social realm.Withinthis traditional framework reference, marriage is undoubtedlythemost important transitional point in a Hindu’s life and themostimportant of all the Hindu ‘’sanskaras’’ (life-cyclerituals).Therefore there was fierce religious opposition to enactingsuchlaws for marriage, succession and adoption. The greatestoppositionwas to the provision of divorce, something which isanathema to theHindu religion. Also resisted was the principle ofequalinheritance by sons and daughters regardless of whetherthedaughter was married or unwed. This was contrary to the Hinduviewof family, where married daughters were regarded as belongingtothe family of their husband, not to the family of theirfather.Some have argued that Hindu marriage cannot be subjectedtolegislative intervention. Derrett predicted in his laterwritingsthat despite some evidence of modernization, the dominantview inHindu society for the foreseeable future would remain thatmarriageis a form of social obligation- Neat Presentation in the form of Heading and Descriptioninevery Screen- Clean Reading Experience- Memory and Batter efficient experience.- WORKS OFFLINE- A good way to learn about Hindu Marriage Act 1955.
Advocates Act,1961 1.2
An Act to amend and consolidate thelawrelating to legal practitioners and to provide for theconstitutionof the Bar Councils and an All-India Bar.#Advocates Meaning#indian Kanoon#ap High Court#vakil no 1#advocate image#meaning of advocateBy installing this app you agree to the following PrivacyPolicy:
Passports Act 1967 1.0
An Act to provide for the issue ofpassportsand travel documents, to regulate thedeparture from India of citizens of India and for other personsandfor mattersincidental or ancillary thereto.#indianpassport#passportact1967#passportseva#passportapplication#passportstatus#passportoffice#rbdact#rtiact#passport renewal#passportlogin#passportsevakendra#actbroadbandBy installing this app you agree to the following PrivacyPolicy:
Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 1.0
The ancient marriage rites in the Vedic period are associatedwithKanyadan. It is laid down in Dharamshastara that themeritoriousact of Kanyadan is not complete till the bridegroom wasgiven adakshina. So when a bride is given over to the bridegroom,he hasto be given something in cash or kind which constitutevaradakshina#dowry #dowry Topic #dowry system #dowry in hindi#dowry act #dowryprohibition #dowry death #dowry low #about dowry